Friday, June 20, 2008


AUTHOR: Stephenie Meyer
PUBLISHER: Little, Brown and Company
YEAR: 2007
EDITION: first printing, first edition hardback
ISBN-10: 0-316-16020-2
p. 204: An East and South shouldn't be capitalized.
"The trail went East, then South, and disappeared on a side road. Had a car waiting."
p. 598: A worse should be worst.
"The worse part is knowing what would have been."
p. 599: A sentence is missing a period.
"If the world was the way it was supposed to be, if there were no monsters and no magic ..."

1 comment:

BookTypos said...

Though the capitalized cardinal directions are obvious typos here, the mistakes in this book were mostly mistakes of consistency. A sentence on page 205, for example, doesn't capitalize "west." And in two sentences preceding "worse-case," the term used is "worst-case." Finally, the book regularly presents sentences ending in ellipses with their own period (... .) except in the case mentioned here.