Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Omnivore's Dilemma

AUTHOR: Michael Pollan
PUBLISHER: The Penguin Press
YEAR: 2006
EDITION: first printing, first edition hardback
ISBN: 1-59420-082-3
p. 30: A has should be have.
The plant's unusual sexual arrangements, so amenable to human intervention, has allowed it to adapt ...
p. 54: A represents should be represent.
But though those subsidy checks go to the farmer (and represents nearly half of net farm income today), what the Treasury is really subsidizing are the buyers of all that cheap corn.
p. 86: A comma is missing.
... citric and lactic acid; glucose, fructose, and maltodextrin; ethanol (for alcoholic beverages as well as cars) sorbitol, mannitol, and xantham gum ...
p. 201: An of is missing.
Since it can be accumulated and traded, grain is a form wealth.
p. 210: A feeds should be feed.
The chicken feed not only feeds the broilers, but, transformed into chicken crap, feeds the grass that feeds the cows that, as I was about to see, feeds the pigs and the laying hens.
p. 258: A stick should be sticker.
"Eat your view!" is a bumper stick often seen in Europe these days ...
p. 269: A crill should be krill.
Conventional nutritional wisdom holds that salmon is automatically better for us than beef, but that judgment assumes the beef has been grain-fed and the salmon crill-fed ...
p. 319: A spec should be speck.
It is true that farms like this are but a spec on the monolith of modern animal agriculture ...
p. 323: A Was should be was.
"An animal's blood flowed like human blood, but its species was undying and each lion was Lion, each ox Was Ox."
p. 355: A thought should be though.
The bullet was too smashed up to easily identify its caliber, thought it occurred to me a forensics expert could probably determine whether it had really come from my rifle ...
p. 415: A subject and verb should be a possessive noun and object.
Though he declined to taste the boar, Isaac contributed to this book ... has been more precious than he can know.


BookTypos said...

The has/have and represents/represent typos were both corrected in the first paperback edition of this book.

BookTypos said...

Page 222 presents a possible typo: A quoted paragraph ends with quotation marks, though the next paragraph is a continuation of the same quoted speaker.